Our Affilations

Langley Hill Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is affiliated with many other Quaker organizations throughout the world. Below is a partial list of such organizations:

Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) is a regional grouping of Quaker Meetings that has existed for more than 300 years. Geographically, it includes most of Virginia, the portion of Maryland west of the Chesapeake Bay, central Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and parts of West Virginia. BYM includes 43 Quaker Meetings and worship groups. It is the central organizing unit of the Religious Society of Friends in the area and provides to support to meetings in the areas it serves. It also owns and operates 3 summer camps which are open to all children from 9 – 17 years of age.

Friends General Conference (FGC) provides services and resources for individual Friends, meetings, and people interested in the Quaker way. FGC is an association of regional Quaker communities in the U.S. and Canada working together to nurture a vital Quaker faith.

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) encourages fellowship among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends throughout the world. Among Friends, there is a rich diversity of regional cultures, beliefs and styles of worship. It is also associated with the Quaker United Nations Offices and offers a means to monitor and present Quaker contributions to world affairs. We join with those of other faiths through work with the World Council of Churches.

Friends United Meeting (FUM) is an international association of Friends (Quakers). It is made up of 30 different regional Friends organizations around the world, that work together in evangelism, global partnership, leadership development and communications. It cooperates in cross-cultural missions and cooperative ventures, coordinating across yearly meetings through offices in Richmond, Indiana (USA), Kisumu (Kenya), and an upcomming office in Ramallah (Palestine).

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has more than nine decades of experience building peace in communities worldwide. Founded in the crucible of World War I by Quakers who aimed to serve both humanity and country while being faithful to their commitment to nonviolence, AFSC has worked throughout the world in conflict zones, in areas affected by natural disasters, and in oppressed communities to address the root causes of war and violence.

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) was founded in 1943 by members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). FCNL's nonpartisan, multi-issue advocacy connects historic Quaker testimonies on peace, equality, simplicity, and truth with peace and social justice issues. FCNL fields the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington, DC.

William Penn House is a Quaker center on Capitol Hill that engages people from all walks of life with issues of peace, reconciliation, social and economic justice, and environmental awareness, through inward reflection, hands-on experience, education, and community building. It supports and celebrates those who “speak truth to power” and seeks to make visible the Quaker values of peace, community, simplicity, equality and truth.

Friends Wilderness Center (FWC) is a place of peace and tranquility within a unique 1400-acre wilderness preserve and spiritual sanctuary on the western side of the Blue Ridge, where the sounds you hear are the music of nature – a place to Relax, Renew, and Recharge. FWC welcomes all who respect nature and our mission to care for the rustic, natural setting entrusted to us, and to enable others to find spiritual nurturing there.

Pendle Hill, located near Philadelphia, was established in 1930 as a Quaker study center designed to prepare its adult students for service both in the Religious Society of Friends and in the world. Pendle Hill was meant to be different from existing Quaker schools or colleges, which were mainly academic. Its mission is both educational and religious. It is strongly rooted in Quaker community life, where students and staff live according to Quaker principles and practices and where learning is experiential as well as intellectual.

Friends Journal - The mission of Friends Journal magazine is to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives.

Quaker Life is a publication of Friends United Meeting. It features articles about the many places in the world where Friends United Meeting is engaged in its work and missions.