Ministry And Worship Committee

All Meeting members are called to care for one another and for the Meeting. The Ministry and Worship Committee gives special care to ensure that the worship and business processes at Langley Hill are truly Spirit-led. Members of this committee are experienced members of Langley Hill Friends Meeting.



Specifically, the committee:

• counsels and supports those who are led to speak out of the silence in Meetings for Worship.

• assures that Meetings for special occasions such as marriages and memorials are held in the manner of Friends and arranges special Meetings for Worship on behalf of those who are ill or unable to attend Meeting for other reasons.

• shares in welcoming newcomers and visitors to the Meeting.

• recognizes and nurtures Friends’ gifts, especially gifts for ministry.

• offer opportunities for attenders and the wider community to learn about Quakerism, as well as for more seasoned Friends to share their spiritual journeys, deepen their faith, and consider how Friends’ testimonies may be reflected in their lives.

• helps younger Friends learn how to conduct their business according to time-tested Quaker processes

• annually prepares for the Meeting’s approval a report to the Yearly Meeting on the Spiritual State of the Meeting